Björn works as a Research Ecologist at BTO Scotland. He has a life-long interest in birds of prey and is delighted to be joining the work on the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme, working with Amy Challis, Mark Wilson and Chris Wernham on management and analysis of this important dataset in order to support conservation of raptor populations. Björn is a member of the Lothian & Borders Raptor Study Group, helping with Peregrine, Goshawk, Sparrowhawk, Osprey, Red Kite and Barn Owl nest monitoring as a climber.
Before joining BTO, Björn worked at the Biological Records Centre within the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology in Monks Wood, Wallingford and Edinburgh on national recording scheme data analysis, and contributing to studies of farmland birds and of invasive species (and setting up a Kestrel nest box camera in the office grounds, distracting many staff from working for two months every year).
Previously, Björn worked in Austria, carrying out bird and plant surveys for ecological consultancies and BirdLife Austria, and he was the ringer and climber for a White-tailed Eagle conservation project for many years, and for a Honey-buzzard tracking study. Prior to that Björn worked in a nature reserve in Germany on a Great Bustard conservation project and a Little Owl reintroduction.