
This is a series of short videos to help you to get to grips with SRMS Online, the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme’s online data recording system. 

The videos have been organised into themed playlists:
Tutorials to help you get started
Further ‘Location Management’ tutorials
Further ‘Visit Data’ tutorials
Further ‘Managing Permissions’ tutorials

Subtitles are available and can be turned on by clicking on the icon at bottom right-hand side of each video.

Videos are being added as they are created, so check back soon if there is not currently a link for a video that you are interested in viewing.

For any topics not covered here, or for more information, please consult the Guidance Manual. Hopefully, you will find these videos helpful, but if at any time you need any further support please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Tutorials to help you get started

Watch the full playlist above, or go direct to individual videos within the playlist by clicking on the links below.

Further ‘Location Management’ tutorials

Watch the full playlist above, or go direct to individual videos within the playlist by clicking on the links below.

Further ‘Visit Data’ tutorials

Watch the full playlist above, or go direct to individual videos within the playlist by clicking on the links below.

Further ‘Managing Permissions’ tutorials

  • Add/Remove members from ‘operating group’ accounts
  • Share locations with different members