

NatureScot (the operating name of Scottish Natural Heritage) is the Scottish Government’s statutory agency responsible for the conservation and management of the natural heritage.  NatureScot advises the Scottish and UK governments on the implementation of the EU Birds Directive, 2009/147/EC, notably on the national network of Special Protection Areas (SPAs), and the degree to which relevant species’ populations are being maintained within this.  In the context of raptors, much of this work involves advising on the conservation, management and monitoring of raptors and their habitats both in designated sites as well as in the wider countryside. NatureScot is a key partner in the Golden Eagle and Hen Harrier Conservation Frameworks and in the UK national survey programme for rare and scarce raptors.

NatureScot chairs the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Group and funds the employment of the Scottish Raptor Monitoring Coordinator (SRMC) and SRMS in conjunction with BTO, RSPB and FCS.

NatureScot representative on SRMG: