Thank you for providing your raptor data to the SRMS. Your data is fundamental to the SRMS, allowing it to monitor and report on the health of Scottish raptor populations, understand the causes of population change and identify problems that conservation non-governmental organisations, statutory agencies and ultimately Scottish Government can act on to conserve raptors effectively. We recognise that many of you collect data in a purely voluntary capacity, for which we are extremely grateful. We also recognise that much expertise in local raptor populations is held by those that collect the data on the ground, which is why through this policy we will encourage all data users to liaise with data providers wherever possible, to help provide local knowledge and context for the uses to which these data are being put. Local liaison will not always be possible though and this policy is trying to ensure that your data can be at the fingertips of conservation professionals in SRMS partner organisations so that they can make effective decisions to benefit raptors at a local, regional, national and even international level.
Please note that when you submit your data to the SRMS you are agreeing to share it for use by the SRMS for routine reporting and analysis purposes (as agreed through the SRMS Annual Work Plan), with SRMS partners, with the National Wildlife Crime Unit and, at appropriate resolution, with the public via the Atlas of Living Scotland.