8.2.3 How access to SRMS data by SRMS partners will be managed

SRMS data is accessible to statutory bodies through a secure online interface – the SRMS Legacy Data Portal (https://app.bto.org/srms-legacy/). The SRMS data are held on a secure server administered by BTO.

RBBP and RSPB are able to download a copy of the SRMS data from the SRMS Legacy Data Portal periodically and host a copy on their in-house GIS systems.

Internal approval of access to these data within each SRMS partner organisation is controlled by a named individual within each organisation appointed by the relevant SRMG representative from the SRMS partner organisation.

SRMS partner Named individual responsible for governing internal access to SRMS data within their organisation
BTO Chris Wernham – Associate Director
FLS Kenny Kortland  –  Species Ecologist
NatureScot Andrew Stevenson  – Ornithology Adviser
RBBP Mark Eaton –  Secretary
RSPB Steve Blain – Head of Data Management Services
SF Juli Titherington – Policy Advisor for Environment and Biodiversity
SOC David Raffle – SOC Birding & Science Officer
SRSG Ewan Weston – Chair of North-east Scotland branch

This means that access is only be granted to those with a business need for using these data and in accordance with the own organisations policies over access to sensitive information.

For terms and conditions governing the use of all SRMS data please refer to Section 7.5.

8.2.4 Review of SRMS partner use of SRMS data